Slovenian Savings & Loan has learned of unemployment scams related to the coronavirus crisis. Notably, scammers are obtaining personal information and using this information to file for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits, routing the payments into their own bank accounts. As always, we encourage you to be very careful with all personal information, especially your Social Security number.
Other specific tips:
- If you receive benefits you did not file for, do not use them — they must be returned.
- If you file a claim, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) may need to call you. Recognize these phone numbers as legitimate: 888-313-7284 – regular UC; 855-284-8545 – Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)
- Never give your personal information to third parties that claim to be able to help you with your UC benefits.
Much more about common scams and how to avoid them can be found on the PA Office of Unemployment Compensation’s website, here.